The New Google Analytics GA4 Sucks, Big Time

The New Google Analytics GA4 Sucks, Big Time

With all of the urgent UPGRADE YOUR UA TO GA4! messages you got you probably thought it was some major upgrade with tons of new tools and capabilities… right?

Usually a move like this is the fault of a company or team within the company trying to revolutionize a popular legacy product, but in this case it’s the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to blame. They basically gave Google an arbitrary date (July 1st) to comply with their data collection guidelines or face huge fines. Europe should try to innovate as much as they regulate.

For people who have used Google Analytics for decades this change is very difficult and frustrating, please give your marketing person or agency some time to get acclimated to the new and worsened Google Analytics. It’s not their (or Google’s) fault.

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